
Central Indiana Writers’ Association, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1976, is a community of novelists, poets, and essayists writing in all genres. We come together once a month and provide our members with a host of different activities and support. Everyone is welcome!

And while CIWA encourages every writer to continue writing, we do not support any form of pornography, erotica, or BDSM writing. There are writing groups for those genres elsewhere.

Attention: the new email for Central Indiana Writers’ Association is centralindianawriters1976@gmail.com

AutoCrit-Manuscript Editing Doesn’t Come Smarter Than This…

Every time you use AutoCrit, it suggests improvements in more than twenty different critical areas to make your book a better experience for readers.

Sometimes all we need is a little creative boost.

Whether you have the entire scope of your story in mind or only the simplest nugget of a premise, AutoCrit can help you flesh it out in minutes.

Type your premise, character profile, setting, or even just your vision for a single scene. AutoCrit will offer up ideas that match the context of your initial input.

Have a better idea? Just type it into the box and all further elements you generate will take that new context into account!

Once you have all your elements together, you can generate an overview of every single beat of your story in a matter of seconds. Get ideas for the Opening Image, Inciting Incident, Midpoint Twist and more… all the way to The End.

It’s the perfect way to navigate the maze of your own mind – and once you’ve developed characters, plot points, or a plan you love, you can save it all to private note cards to reference later.

Check out the AutoCrit page for more information.

Central Indiana Writers’ Association Zoom Meeting – November 20, 2023

7:00-8:30 P.M.(EST)

Brainstorm for a Successful 2024 Meeting Schedule

Join us for our annual brainstorming session to determine our monthly Zoom meeting schedule for 2024.

Why do we want your input? CIWA believes the topic for each of our 2024 monthly meetings should benefit our fellow writers at all levels and style of writing.

What writing topics interest you?

Let’s create a schedule that will offer excellent programs with speakers, presentations, and educational tools to enhance our writing and achieve our writing goals.

Bring your ideas and see you at the November meeting!

See you there!

Come ZOOM with us!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 4132 7795
Passcode: 725985

Closed captioning is available. 

Login details are also listed on the CIWA meeting flyer.

See our regular monthly meeting tab for more information on our meeting topic.

Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Our meetings are virtual to accommodate our members throughout central Indiana, and in other states, too. We don’t want your location to keep you from joining us. Guests are always welcome too. We look forward to meeting you in Zoom!